Monday, April 26, 2010

Odin’s Story

Odin’s story began at the Richmond City Shelter back in May of 2007. This was back in the day when I was an animal control officer, or at least I was trying to be!!! Mike and I received a call about two German Shepherds that were loose on their property and they were harassing people on the street. We attended and quickly apprehended the two Shepherds.

Odin was the male shepherd and his female companion was named Isis. It quickly became apparent to the staff at RAPS that Isis was heavily pregnant with a litter of pups. Odin was such a proud teen father at only 9 months old! He was very protective of Isis and did his best to look out for her. Three days after their arrival Isis gave birth to nine perfect little babies and the entire gang took up residence in our well known executive director’s backyard (much to her husband’s delight). All but Odin that is. Odin was reclaimed by his owner, much to his new family’s dismay.

Two years later Odin returned to RAPS as an older but not wiser dog. He was deemed a dangerous dog by the city of Richmond, he was overweight and he was out of control. We had a challenge on our hands. The first step of action we took was to neuter, deworm and vaccinate the now three year old dog. The second step was to train and focus him. Odin began a daily routine of biking, ball chasing, agility running and obedience. He was put on a healthy raw food diet which was supplemented with glucosamine to support his hips. Slowly a handsome German Shepherd began to appear.

After three months of rehabilitation Odin would find his forever home. He is now a happy dog living in the interior of BC on a ranch. He spends his days chasing balls, running beside the ATV and helping gather sticks for the fireplace. Congratulations Odin!!!

-- Sonya Kamp