Friday, September 16, 2011

Hello from Bourbon ("Tui")!!

Hello lovely people at RAPS, this is Bourbon writing. Well actually my new owners have re-named me to Tui, which is a beautiful native New Zealand bird which has a lovely song (I bet they'd be fun to chase...).

I wanted to write to you to say that I am really thankful for the time that you all looked after me in the shelter, I won't forget it. My new owners, Colleen and Sam just love me and have been taking me on lots of walks and runs in North Vancouver, and I've been mountain biking a few times which is really fun. I have met lots and lots of other dogs that I am really well behaved with so Sam says (most of the time... hehe). Sam and Colleen have some friends with a one year old labrador called Owen - him and me are best friends now and we often go out for runs and plays together on the trails. We also have peeing competitions - I can pee more than him!

I have attached a few photos of me doing fun things like swimming and biking, I hope you like them. Sam even made a video of me running behind his friend on a mountain bike last weekend:

Lots of love from Tui (Bourbon)!!! Woooooooof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!