Saturday, December 3, 2011


Hi everyone...just a quick note to let you know Yoshi's doing well in his new home and our two cats have accepted him quite well. When we first brought Yoshi into the house, we think our female cat thought our former "Tonka" (deceased) cat had come home. The next morning our male cat hissed at him a little (we had Yoshi behind closed utility room door with window), so suddenly the female cat realized she had to hiss, also. All in all, it went better than expected and within five days they were walking through the house together. The two male cats are enjoying each other's company, and as expected, Yoshi's enjoying going into the courtyard.

Thanks for letting us adopt Yoshi...we are so enjoying him...he's really a beautiful boy and well-mannered, as well. We appreciate all you did and it was a pleasure meeting you!

Happy holidays!!!
Georgia, Rick, Yoshi, Andy and Angelita