Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pasha (now Timbit)

Hi Carole & all,

Just wanted to let you know that Pasha is doing well. I have renamed him Timbit since he is a timmy (very timid) and a "bit" of a thing. If you remember he is the 1 year black manx I adopted at the end of June. Timbit spent a lot of the first weeks under my bed. He ripped holes in the fabric of the box spring and crawled up inside. I recovered the underside of the box spring but at the last minute left him a hole where he could still climb inside to feel secure. I put cardboard between the box spring and the frame so he cannot rip the new cover.

My other cat, Tommy, has come around and is now washing Timbit and trying to sleep in a ball with him. Timbit likes the washing but when he has had enough he tries to play with Tommy.

Timbit is still very timid and if I move too fast or when he hears the slightest noise he is under the bed. If I'm quiet, he spends most of the time on a perch in the front room. He loves to look out the windows and the flies don't stand a chance with him around.

I love him a lot and am so happy I adopted him.
