Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Essence (now Bhoda)


I just wanted to send a quick email follow up on Essence (now answering (mostly) to Bhoda), who came home with us last Saturday Aug 13.

Though not terribly thrilled to travel home in the crate, once she got here, she wasn't content to sit still and had completed a self-guided tour of our townhouse within the first few hours. She's settled in, in no time flat: eating well, playing with anything that can be knocked around and sleeping on the bed. She's claimed a favourite spot in one window seat and quickly tested - and grasped - the difference between scratching post and everything else. She's easy going, friendly and gently playful - perfect combination for us.

She had a visit to our vet today (South Burnaby Vet) for an intro and once-over. The vet had nothing but praise for the care she'd received with you that was noted on her history sheet: from the fact that Bhoda had even been tested for FIV, to the choice in de-worming meds, the booster vaccine and her overall health, the vet was, I think, really impressed.

So, thank you for the care and for helping us find her!
