Wednesday, October 13, 2010

FYI: 'Kaiah' is doing AWESOME!!!

Hi girls!

Just wanted to drop a note and let you know that Miss Kaiah is fitting easily & happily into her new family! It actually feels like she's been here for weeks already.

She was a little restless the first night but by the following morning the change in her demeanor was obvious.

She's definitely CHILLIN' now!!! Waits at the table to share toast with John at breakfast, lots of walks (energy to burn!)and she discovered Jake's old tennis ball in the backyard. Not much of a 'fetcher' but she thinks it hilarious when you throw the ball at her! LOVES the yard - does figure-8's at full speed back there! LOVES back/hip massages & gives big wet kisses when she's had her dinner! Sleeps in our bedroom on the floor beside the bed & really enjoys long, loungey mornings on her pillow. We're going to get her a big plastic kiddie pool for the backyard in the Springtime - apparently she LOVES water - so we'll indulge her. Kaiah is obedient (very much so with John), sweet, calm & snuggly!

Kaiah's also figuring out that being in a vehicle doesn't always mean you're going somewhere 'bad'. We've been taking her in the truck to go for walks on the dyke. So hopefully in time she'll be just as excited to go for a ride as our other dogs used to be!

John's currently reinforcing all the fencing around the property. 'The Escape Artist' is a fitting moniker. (on the way home from the shelter on Sunday, Kaiah ripped out the window screen with her teeth, pushed the window open - and they're really hard to slide! - she was 1/2 way out the truck canopy before John pulled over & I grabbed her!). Windows closed & locked from now on THANK YOU!

We're very, very happy with our new girl!

Warmest regards,
John & Candy