Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Columbus, finally home!

Dear Carol, Sonya and everyone at RAPS,

It has been a week since Columbus came home. He is still adjusting to a home environment, but he's so far doing very well! He started eating on day 4, and took an interest in watching his siblings roaming around the suite. 2 of my 3 cats don't seem to mind him, but it was Noah (Columbus' little sister) who hissed at him when she was 5 feet away. Now this hissing range has decreased to about 1 foot apart, and she seems to be ok if I am beside her when she sees Columbus.

Having a human is so new to Columbus and he doesn't even know how he should react to his own purring from getting a tummy rub!!

So far he showed me that really likes:
- Tummy rubs. He would awkwardly (but happily) flipped over having his tummy up so he can get more.
- Chin rubs. He would push his head against my hand, while doing the "I really don't know why I'm doing this" puzzled face.
- Top of the catwalk. He would start purring so loudly when I put him up there. An hour ago he even jumped up there by himself!!

I'll definitely keep you all posted on how well Columbus is doing!
I've attached some pictures too - those are Columbus' "my first........" moments!!
