Monday, July 27, 2009

Urban Barn Cats: Some Late July Babies

The RAPS staff have been back at trapping on the urban farm in Richmond. It's estimated that we now have around 40 cats in our care -- still 50 -60 more to catch. Those will be the hard ones to catch. Some of the kittens are recovering at the Richmond Animal Shelter. This little yellow kitten showed some of the worst signs of the upper respiratory infection. (See the swollen eyes.)

Two other kittens came in with almost perfectly circular eyes (see next two pictures). These stunning cats are weiry of people, but have calmed down quite a lot since their arrival. They both had terrible cases of ear-mites, but are doing better now.

The members of this batch of smaller kittens are eating on their own now. A couple had to be had fed for a few days, but they caught on quickly. Their mum could not be found, so they get special care at the Richmond Animal Shelter.