Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sanctuary Volunteer Documents Cats for All to Enjoy

the following is a nice letter from Barbara, a RAPS Cat Sanctuary volunteer. Check out her blog, 'The Love Blog', at http://iamlove.blogspot.com/.

Hi Everybody,

I have been at the RAPS Cat Sanctuary since January '09 as a
volunteer, and taking endless photos of the cats and the Sanctuary
every time I go.

I wanted to share the link online to all the photos with you all. I am
always adding more and more, all ready have (to date) 460 pictures
online and two videos (hope to get more videos when I get a newer

I have offered that RAPS can use any of these photos for their
purposes, either in newsletters, web sites, or on their blog, etc. I
post them all on my paid Flickr account, and always tag the photos
with the RAPS website.

I also use a lot of the photos on my own blog web site, where I give
further promotion of the RAPS work.

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoy taking them.

