Monday, January 19, 2009

Adult Cat Rescued from Pet Store

Last fall, RAPS received complaints from concerned residents about poor conditions for an adult cat at a pet store in Richmond. This poor animal had been caged, and, as an adult animal in a pet store, had little hope of being purchased at the $699.00 that the store was asking. To bring her relief, two dedicated RAPS volunteers went and purchased the beautiful cat from the pet store. This sweet cat, named Crystal, was brought back to the RAPS City Shelter, spayed and then adopted to a wonderful home. The new owners even donated the cost of the purchase to RAPS to offset the cost to the RAPS volunteers. This story is such a prime example of the responsibilities that animal rescue workers and volunteers must take on in order to save animals, because not only do animals need rescue from back alleys and abandoned garages, but also from situations in plain sight of the general public. We are so glad that Crystal is free to begin a good life.